Down-Under Diva

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Down-Under Diva is the boss of the 6th world, Cobalt Caverns, in Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz (HD).


Down-Under Diva is a gorilla. She is a flamboyant singer. She stands and sings on a podium of discs. She uses her singing to affect and knock the monkey off the stage. The battle takes place on a large, square platform. There are also falling rocks during the battle.

Boss Battle Tutorial

In order to beat her, the player must hit her microphone while avoiding sound waves and falling rocks. It is easier to hit her microphone if you knock down her podium. To knock down her podium, Gain momentum, and run into the discs, one-by-one. Repeat hitting her microphone until she is defeated. Be careful of the sound waves and rocks while hitting her.

Changes in Banana Blitz HD

The stage now has visible rope barriers around it in addition to the energy barrier. The falling rocks move slower, but appear in greater numbers. They are also more golden in color. The circular platforms that the Diva starts on are now harder to knock over, often not responding to being hit at all.


  • Down-Under Diva was renamed Baboon Croon in Banana Blitz HD.
  • There are three separate versions of this boss' theme stored within the game: one with just the Diva's singing, one with just the background music, and one with both. This is because when the Diva is hit, she stops singing for a couple of seconds.
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz Stages
Monkey Island Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4Stage 5Stage 6Stage 7Stage 8BonusBoss
Jumble Jungle Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4Stage 5Stage 6Stage 7Stage 8BonusBoss
Smooth Sherbet Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4Stage 5Stage 6Stage 7Stage 8BonusBoss
Detritus Desert Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4Stage 5Stage 6Stage 7Stage 8BonusBoss
Pirates Ocean Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4Stage 5Stage 6Stage 7Stage 8BonusBoss
Cobalt Caverns Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4Stage 5Stage 6Stage 7Stage 8BonusBoss
Volcanic Pools Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4Stage 5Stage 6Stage 7Stage 8BonusBoss
Space Case Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4Stage 5Stage 6Stage 7Stage 8BonusBoss
Sinking Swamp Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4Stage 5Stage 6Stage 7Stage 8Stage 9Bonus
Ultra Heaven Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3Stage 4Stage 5Stage 6Stage 7Stage 8Stage 9Bonus
Good Guys Heroes AiAiMeeMeeBabyGonGonYanYanDoctorJamJetPalette
Doubles C-AiAiW-MeeMeeA-BabyF-GonGonP-YanYanR-DoctorN-JamB-Jet
Bad Guys Villains Dr. Bad-BoonDr. Bad-Boon's AssistantNaysayersFat CatCaptain CrabuchinProfessor BoscisFesTeeValEasel
Bosses ToriBazooka BaboonYettiDinobotTakoDown-Under DivaYokoCaptain Crabuchin
Cameos SonicTailsKnucklesAmyBeatKiryuAxelMorganaHello KittySuezoGame GearSega SaturnDreamcast