Season Pass

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In Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble, the Season Passes are timed events in which the player can receive rewards for playing against other players in the online Battle modes. The rewards are character customizations that require Season Points to unlock.

Each season lasts for two weeks, which start and end at 15:00 UTC, or midnight in Japan. It is currently unknown whether or not items from previous seasons return in the future.

Season 7

The current season, which runs from September 16th to September 30th, 2024.

Icon Unlockable Points
BR Pink Nightcap.png Pink Nightcap 160
BR Green Paisley Ball.png Green Paisley Ball 320
BR Pink Pajamas.png Pink Pajamas 500
BR White Leopard Print Ball.png White Leopard Print Ball 710
BR White Paw Gloves.png White Paw Gloves 1020
BR Red Beret.png Red Beret 1370
BR White Sandals.png White Sandals 1770
BR Black Pilot Hat.png Black Pilot Hat 2230
BR Black Overalls.png Black Overalls 2760
BR Concrete Ball.png Concrete Ball 3520
BR Yellow Cyberpunk Outfit.png Yellow Cyberpunk Outfit 4660
BR Pink Lightning.png Pink Lightning 6240

Season 6

This season ran from September 2nd to September 16th, 2024.

Icon Unlockable Points
BR Red Ninja Footwear.png Red Ninja Footwear 160
BR Blue Japanese Ball.png Blue Japanese Ball 320
BR Red Ninja Gloves.png Red Ninja Gloves 500
BR Yellow Banana Print T-Shirt.png Yellow Banana Print T-Shirt 710
BR Red Ninja Headband.png Red Ninja Headband 1020
BR Red Lightning.png Red Lightning 1370
BR Red Ninja Costume.png Red Ninja Costume 1770
BR White Banana T-Shirt.png White Banana T-Shirt 2230
BR Red Ninja Sword.png Red Ninja Sword 2760
BR Brown Boater Hat.png Brown Boater Hat 3520
BR Pink Adventurer Outfit.png Pink Adventurer Outfit 4660
BR Boom Ball.png Boom Ball 6240

Season 5

This season ran from August 19th to September 2nd, 2024.

Icon Unlockable Points
BR Black Wooden Sandals.png Black Wooden Sandals 160
BR Pink Arabesque Ball.png Pink Arabesque Ball 320
BR Green Japanese Ball.png Green Japanese Ball 500
BR Blue Hat.png Blue Hat 710
BR Lavish Silver Ring.png Lavish Silver Ring 1020
BR Yellow Hawaiian Ball.png Yellow Hawaiian Ball 1370
BR Hero Sunglasses.png Hero Sunglasses 1770
BR Black Leather Boots.png Black Leather Boots 2230
BR Black Fedora.png Black Fedora 2760
BR Black Suit.png Black Suit 3520
BR Blue Hearts.png Blue Hearts 4660
BR Cow Headband.png Cow Headband 6240

Season 4

This season ran from August 5th to August 19th, 2024.

Icon Unlockable Points
BR Clown Shoes.png Clown Shoes 160
BR Yellow Zebra Print Ball.png Yellow Zebra Print Ball 320
BR Clown Hat.png Clown Hat 500
BR Pink Hearts.png Pink Hearts 710
BR Clown Costume.png Clown Costume 1020
BR Card Ball.png Card Ball 1370
BR Hard-Boiled Sunglasses.png Hard-Boiled Sunglasses 1770
BR Blue Jersey.png Blue Jersey 2230
BR Pink Pilot Hat.png Pink Pilot Hat 2760
BR Green Banana Print T-Shirt.png Green Banana Print T-Shirt 3520
BR Bear Headband.png Bear Headband 4660
BR Black Wings.png Black Wings 6240

Season 3

This season ran from July 22nd to August 5th, 2024.

Icon Unlockable Points
BR Pink Deck Shoes.png Pink Deck Shoes 160
BR Watermelon Ball.png Watermelon Ball 320
BR Pink Overalls.png Pink Overalls 500
BR Red Banana Ball.png Red Banana Ball 710
BR Blue Boater Hat.png Blue Boater Hat 1020
BR Red Hawaiian Ball.png Red Hawaiian Ball 1370
BR Red Cyberpunk Outfit.png Red Cyberpunk Outfit 1770
BR Red Fire.png Red Fire 2230
BR Blue Ribbon.png Blue Ribbon 2760
BR Leather Ball.png Leather Ball 3520
BR Blue Pajamas.png Blue Pajamas 4660
BR Blue Halo.png Blue Halo 6240

Season 2

This season ran from July 8th to July 22nd, 2024.

Icon Unlockable Points
BR Black Ninja Footwear.png Black Ninja Footwear 160
BR Green Plaid Ball.png Green Plaid Ball 320
BR Black Ninja Gloves.png Black Ninja Gloves 500
BR Black Fire.png Black Fire 710
BR Black Ninja Headband.png Black Ninja Headband 1020
BR Green Arabesque Ball.png Green Arabesque Ball 1370
BR Black Ninja Costume.png Black Ninja Costume 1770
BR White Banana Print T-Shirt.png White Banana Print T-Shirt 2230
BR Black Ninja Sword.png Black Ninja Sword 2760
BR Khaki Flat Cap.png Khaki Flat Cap 3520
BR Khaki Sweater Vest.png Khaki Sweater Vest 4660
BR Rice Ball.png Rice Ball 6240

Season 1

The start of this season coincided with the game's launch at midnight on June 25th, 2024 in Japan. This means that, due to the differences in timezones, the season began a day ahead of the game's release for most of the world.

This season ran from June 24th to July 8th, 2024.

Icon Unlockable Points
BR Red High-Tech High-Top Sneakers.png Red High-Tech High-Top Sneakers 160
BR White Zebra Print Ball.png White Zebra Print Ball 320
BR Orange Ribbon.png Orange Ribbon 500
BR Base Ball.png Base Ball 710
BR Blue Cyberpunk Outfit.png Blue Cyberpunk Outfit 1020
BR Iron Ball.png Iron Ball 1370
BR White Cat Headband.png White Cat Headband 1770
BR Black Smoke.png Black Smoke 2230
BR Khaki Nightcap.png Khaki Nightcap 2760
BR Khaki Pajamas.png Khaki Pajamas 3520
BR Black Jumpsuit.png Black Jumpsuit 4660
BR Sheep Headband.png Sheep Headband 6240