Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble/Version history

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Official roadmap for 2024

Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble has received multiple updates since its release. The following is a list of known changes made during updates. All updates are required to be installed in order to continue using online features in the game.

Version 1.01

Official patch notes

Version 1.01 released on June 25th, 2024, alongside the game's release, and featured the following changes:

  • The framerate when playing Adventure mode online was improved.
  • Players who are kicked from online rooms can no longer rejoin the same room.
  • Dead zone settings were added in the settings menu, allowing the player to program dead zones on control stick inputs.
  • Some additional in-game content was added.
  • Changes were made to improve the game's stability
  • Some issues which would occur when the console's save data space is low were fixed.
  • Some displays and visuals for in-game screens were adjusted
  • Some bugfixes were made

Version 1.10

Official patch notes

Version 1.10 released on July 17th, 2024, and featured the following changes:

  • Sonic's ball is now the correct colour.
  • Sonic's stats were buffed.
  • Minor adjustments were made to the stage Acrobatics.
  • The Race stage Sky Highway was added.
  • All other Race stages had minor adjustments made to them.
  • Online play now includes a feature which attempts to detect cheaters, and remove them from the game.
  • The camera reset function was adjusted to be more accurate.
  • The hit detection on the bat item in Battle mode was improved, making it easier to hit with.
  • Support was added for additional content
  • Changes were made to improve the game's stability
  • Other minor bugfixes and changes were made. Known changes include:
    • Removing the rapid-fire Spin Dash exploit.
    • Adding the ability to control the camera during Replays.

Version 1.11

Official patch notes

Version 1.11 released on July 26th, 2024, and featured the following changes:

  • Some bugs related to Adventure Mode have been resolved:
    • Movement no longer stops every sixth frame, and the physics have been adjusted accordingly.
    • Clear times are no longer inconsistent when using the same exact controller inputs to clear a stage.
    • The camera's starting position no longer differs slightly upon restarting a stage.
  • Players no longer get stuck when moving from the pause screen to other screens.
  • Improved camera behaviour.
  • Some text issues have been fixed, including the following stage name changes:
    • W1-EX8 has been renamed from Spikey Road to Spiky Road, likely due to "spiky" being the more standard spelling.
    • W6-EX6 has been renamed from Twin Towers to Spiraling Spires, to avoid referencing the tragic event synonymous with the old name.
  • This update introduced a bug with wormholes, where some wormholes apply varying amounts of sideways momentum to the player upon rolling through them.

Version 1.20

Official update notice

Version 1.20 is set to release on September 17th, 2024, which will wipe any unsubmitted Time Attack records.

See also

Official updates page