Spin Dash

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The Spin Dash is an ability introduced in Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble. It is a chargeable burst movement option likely named after a technique in the Sonic the Hedgehog series, another SEGA owned series.


The Spin Dash provides a burst of speed to the user in the held direction when released. It is charged by holding the B button, with the current charge level being indicated by a meter in the bottom right, as well as by a rising energy level within the ball. The charge can be released at any time by releasing the B button, with a greater boost being given the longer the ability is charged for, with the charge being able to be held indefinitely once it reaches max charge. After unleashing a Spin Dash, the player cannot use another one until after a short cooldown. The cooldown is indicated by the meter and energy level draining, and the more the move was charged, the longer the cooldown lasts.

While charging a Spin Dash, the monkey will typically spin around in the ball, though this does not affect normal movement. An arrow indicator will appear, indicating the direction being held on the control stick, and thus the direction that the boost will be applied in. The Spin Dash can be cancelled by releasing the B button while not holding a direction. This will result in no boost being applied, and no sound effect or vocalization from the character being used, but the cooldown will still begin. Spin Dashes cannot be used in the air, and attempting to do so will waste the charge.

The speed at which the Spin Dash charges, the strength of the boost applied, and the amount of cooldown all vary with the character being used.


  • Prior to update 1.1.0, using the Helper Function, it is possible to rapid-fire Spin Dashes by exploiting an oversight with the rewind feature. Spin Dashes can be charged while the game is frozen via the rewind function if they are initiated before bringing it up. Additionally, the recharge time before another Spin Dash can be initiated will continue to count down while the game is frozen as well, and thus can effectively be skipped. This allows for rapid-fire Spin Dashes to be performed. Once again, replays will not display where the rewind function was used, and the charging and cooldown animations in the replay will not match what actually happened when using this exploit.