Monkey Bowling (Banana Mania)

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For other iterations of this party game, see Monkey Bowling (disambiguation).

Monkey Bowling is a Party Game in Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania. It features 3 modes of play.


The basic gameplay takes place in 4 stages. First, the player chooses the position the ball will be thrown from. Once confirmed, a dotted line will appear, which angles to the left and right rapidly. By pressing the confirm button, the angle is set to wherever the dotted line was pointed at at the time. Next, a power meter appears, which rapidly fills and empties. Once again, when the confirm button is pressed determines the power. The ball in then thrown, and there is a brief window where the player can apply spin to the ball, before the spin takes effect. Points are scored based on how many pins are knocked down. In leu of gutters, the ball can fall off the edge of the bowling platform if it is not angled well.


There are 3 modes.

Normal mode

In Normal mode, a standard 10 frame game of bowling is played. Points are scored in the usual way, with a spare doubling the points scored on the next throw, and a strike doubling the points scored on the next 2 throws. There are 3 available rulesets:

  • Normal - Standard 10-pin bowling. The player gets 2 throws per frame, except the last frame where up to 3 throws are available if a strike or spare is scored.
  • 9 pin - There are only 9 pins, with the missing pin changing positions each frame. The first pin knocked over in each frame nets 2 points to compensate for the missing pin.
  • Strike - The player only gets one throw per frame, and must aim for strikes.

Special mode

In Special mode, the layout of the lane changes with each frame. There are 3 difficulties: easy, normal and hard. Gameplay otherwise follows normal rules.

Difficulty Frame Description
Easy 1 A straight lane, but with small moving waves.
Normal 1 A straight lane, but with fast moving waves.
Hard 1 A straight lane with very fast moving waves.
Easy 2 A straight lane with a long narrow hump in it, going from highest point on the left to lowest on the right.
Normal 2 A straight lane with 2 long narrow humps in it, one at its highest on the right, and the other on the left.
Hard 2 A straight lane with 3 long narrow humps in it, alternating from being highest on the left and on the right.
Easy 3 A straight lane which slumps down in the middle, like the inside of a tube, for most of its length.
Normal 3 A straight lane that slumps down in the middle, but the slump moves up and down.
Hard 3 A straight lane that slumps down in the middle, but the slump moves up and down, even inverting.
Easy 4 A straight lane with an arced bridge shape for most of its length.
Normal 4 A straight lane which dips down, then arcs up.
Hard 4 A straight lane which arcs up, then dips down, then arcs up again.
Easy 5 A straight lane with a single sideways moving wave stretching down the length of the lane.
Normal 5 Like frame 5 on easy, but the wave moves faster.
Hard 5 Like frame 5 on normal, but the wave is bigger and moves faster still.
Easy 6 A straight lane which is curved vertically such that the left side is raised towards the centre, and the right side slumps down.
Normal 6 Like frame 6 on easy, but with a greater vertical gradient.
Hard 6 Like frame 6 on normal, but with a greater gradient still.
Easy 7 A mostly straight lane where a section towards the far end of the lane moves left and right like a moving platform.
Normal 7 Like frame 7 on easy, but the moving platform is narrower and moves faster.
Hard 7 Like frame 7 on normal, but the platform is narrower and faster still.
Easy 8 The lane bends to the right, and then bends back to the centre again.
Normal 8 The lane bends to the right more than it does on easy.
Hard 8 The lane greatly bends to the right, and then bends back to the centre again.
Easy 9 The lane bends, with the size and direction of the bend oscillating.
Normal 9 The lane bends, with the size and direction of the bend oscillating quickly.
Hard 9 The lane bends, with the size and direction of the bend oscillating faster still.
Easy 10 The lane features moving longitudinal waves, where the lane gets narrower and wider.
Normal 10 The lane features fast moving longitudinal waves, where the lane gets narrower and wider.
Hard 10 The lane features slow moving very dramatic longitudinal waves, where the lane gets much narrower and much wider.

Challenge mode

The player once again gets one throw per frame. Each frame has a different special layout of pins, and the player can choose what order to play them in. The player gets 15 throws in total, and must aim for a strike on each layout. The final score is the number of strikes scored.

Layout Name Pins
1 Standard All pins are present.
2 Bucket Pins 3, 5, 6 and 9 are present.
3 Baby Split Pins 3 and 10 are present.
4 Clothesline Pins 1, 2, 4 and 7 are present.
5 Fit split Pins 9 and 10 are present.
6 Washout Pins 1, 2, 4 and 10 are present.
7 Christmas Tree Pins 2, 7 and 10 are present.
8 Baby Split with Company Pins 2, 7 and 8 are present.
9 Double Fit Pins 7, 8 and 9 are present.
10 Big Three Pins 4, 7 and 10 are present.


Nintendo Switch and Xbox One & Series X/S version:

  • Control stick - Move ball throw position
  • Right stick - Control camera
  • A button - Confirm throw position, angle and strength
  • R button - Apply spin to the right to the ball
  • L button - Apply spin to the left to the ball

PlayStation 4 and 5 version:

  • Control stick - Move ball throw position
  • Right stick - Control camera
  • X button - Confirm throw position, angle and strength
  • R button - Apply spin to the right to the ball
  • L button - Apply spin to the left to the ball

Windows version:

  • W, S, A and D Keys - Move ball throw position
  • ? - Control camera
  • Vertical Right Square Bracket Key - Confirm throw position, angle and strength
  • D Key - Apply spin to the right to the ball
  • A Key - Apply spin to the left to the ball


Note: All Party Game missions award 300 Banana Points.

Name Description
Path of the Bowler Play Monkey Bowling
Eyes on the Score ~Normal~ Score 100 or above on Normal Mode with Normal rules
Eyes on the Score ~9 Pins~ Score 100 or above on Normal Mode with 9 Pin rules
Eyes on the Score ~Strike~ Score 100 or above on Normal Mode with Strike rules
Eyes on the Score ~Special Mode~ Score 100 or above on Special Mode
What a Twist Put spin on the ball
Mode Master Play all modes of Monkey Bowling
First Normal Mode Play on Normal Mode
First Special Mode Play Special Mode
First Challenge Mode Play Challenge Mode
First Normal Rules Play Normal Mode with Normal rules
First 9 Pin Rules Play Normal Mode with 9 Pin rules
First Strike Rules Play Normal Mode with Strike rules
No Gutters Finish a game with Normal rules without falling in the gutter
Max Power Throw a ball at max power
First Strike Get a strike on Normal Mode with Normal rules
First Double Get a strike two frames in a row on Normal Mode with Normal Rules
First Turkey Get 3 strikes in a row on Normal Mode with Normal Rules


  • In the mission descriptions, "normal rules" is formatted inconsistently, being "Normal rules" in some missions, and as "Normal Rules" in others.
  • The music for this game is a remix of Monkey Bowling 2 from Super Monkey Ball 2.
Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania Party Games
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