Monkey Billiards (Banana Mania)

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For other iterations of this party game, see Monkey Billiards (disambiguation).

Monkey Billiards is a Party Game in Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania. It features 4 different forms of billiards or "pool" from around the world.


The selected ruleset is played, and the first player to win a certain number of sets is declared the winner. In Tournament mode, which is single player only, the player faces 4 CPU opponents consecutively, and must beat all of them to win the tournament. At the start of the game, the starting player is determined by each player shooting a ball down the table to bounce off the other end, and whoever's ball stops closest to the back cushion goes first.

The player first sets the angle of their shot, and then sets up their shot. A power meter which fills and drains will appear, and when the shot button is pressed, the level the meter is at determines the strength of the shot. The player can view their shot from a front on or top-down perspective. An aim guide shows where the cue ball will go when it is hit, and after its first bounce, but not after subsequent bounces. Holding the ball path guide button will display where the ball will go after hitting a ball, unless it bounces off a wall first. A smaller guide shows the initial trajectory of the first ball to be hit by the cue ball, if the aim guide reaches said ball.

Correctly pocketing a ball nets the player another shot. Getting a foul results in the other player getting a free drop. If a "special shot" is performed, such as a "bank shot", this will be announced by the announcer, and doing so is required to beat certain missions, though otherwise has no effect on gameplay.


In US Nine-Ball, two players race to pocket the other 8 billiard balls before they can pocket the 9-Ball. If a player pockets the 9-Ball before they have pocketed the other balls, they will lose unless one of the other balls knocks the 9-Ball into a pocket.

A foul occurs when the player hits a ball that is not the next one in order, when the cue ball falls into a pocket, or if the player shoots the cue ball without hitting another billiard ball. Their opponent will be given a "Free Drop", which allows them to freely place the cue somewhere near the next ball, making it easier to pocket.

In Japan Nine-ball, four players take turns hitting the lowest-numbered ball. They get points when they pocket the 3-, 5-, 7-, or 9-, balls, with points being doubled should they be pocketed into a side pocket instead of a corner pocket. If either of the four balls are pocketed before the others, they will return to the table. The game ends when the 9-Ball has been pocketed after the other balls.

In Rotation, two players take turns pocketing all 15 balls, with points increasing depending on the numbered ball being pocketed. To win, one player must score over 60 points. In the event of a tie, the player who pockets the last ball wins.

In Eight-Ball, the balls are broken up into two groups: Solids (1-7) and stripes (9-15). Once the break shot occurs, the player will then pocket either a solid or striped ball. If a ball from both groups are pocketed at the same time, they will then be given an option on which group they want to choose. Once the sides have been decided, the players must then sink every ball inside their group before they pocket the 8-ball. When all balls in a group have been pocketed, the player then must call their 8-ball shot and sink it inside the selected pocket. If done so, the player wins.

However, the player will lose if either of the following happens:

  • The 8-Ball gets pocketed before the groups have been doled out, unless its on the break shot.
  • The 8-Ball gets knocked into a pocket after the former event.
  • The 8-Ball doesn't land in the player's called pocket.


Nintendo Switch and Xbox One & Series X/S version:

While aiming

  • Control stick - change the angle of the shot
  • Right stick - control the camera
  • A button - setup shot
  • X button - change camera view
  • Y button - hold to display ball numbers
  • R button - hold to display additional aim guide information
  • L button - hold to change shot angle faster

While preparing to shoot

  • Control stick - change cue aim on cue ball
  • A button - take shot at current power level
  • X button - switch between normal and power shot

PlayStation 4 and 5 version:

While aiming

  • Control stick - change the angle of the shot
  • Right stick - control the camera
  • X button - setup shot
  • Square button - change camera view
  • Triangle button - hold to display ball numbers
  • R button - hold to display additional aim guide information
  • L button - hold to change shot angle faster

While preparing to shoot

  • Control stick - change cue aim on cue ball
  • X button - take shot at current power level
  • Triangle button - switch between normal and power shot

Windows version:

While aiming

  • W, S, A and D Keys - change the angle of the shot
  • ? - control the camera
  • Vertical Right Square Bracket Key - setup shot
  • J Key - change camera view
  • L Key - hold to display ball numbers
  • D Key - hold to display additional aim guide information
  • A Key - hold to change shot angle faster

While preparing to shoot

  • W, S, A and D Keys - change cue aim on cue ball
  • Vertical Right Square Bracket Key - take shot at current power level
  • J Key - switch between normal and power shot


  • Sets - the number of sets required for a win
  • COM Difficulty - how skilled the CPU opponents will be


Note: All Party Game missions award 300 Banana Points.

Name Description
Path of the Pool Player Play Monkey Billiards
First Victory Win in Versus Mode
First Championship Win a tournament
A New Perspective Change camera mode
Path Predictor Toggle the shot path view
Shot Selector Switch between Normal Shot and Power Shot
Rules Master Play Monkey Billiards under all rule sets
First Nine-Ball Play Nine-Ball
First Japan Nine-Ball Play Japan Nine-Ball
First Rotation Play Rotation
First Eight-Ball Play Eight-Ball
First Shot Advantage Perform a break shot
Max Power Take a shot at max power
Formidable Foe Defeated Beat a Strong COM
Professional Defeated Beat a Pro COM
Successful Combination Shot Perform a combination shot
Successful Cannon Shot Perform a cannon shot
Successful Kiss Shot Perform a kiss shot
Successful Bank Shot Perform a bank shot
Skill Master Perform all special shots


Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania Party Games
Monkey RaceMonkey FightMonkey TargetMonkey BilliardsMonkey BowlingMonkey GolfMonkey BoatMonkey ShotMonkey DogfightMonkey SoccerMonkey BaseballMonkey Tennis