Snaky Solid

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Snaky Solid is the 10th and final stage of the 7th world, Siliconia, making it the final stage of Super Monkey Ball: Step & Roll altogether.


This stage features a giant winding pathway. It is sloped high up in the middle. There are rocket obstacles, making it where the monkey must swerve back and forth, over the sloped up part to proceed. The pathway is very curvy. There is a teleporter in front of the goal that teleports the player to another teleporter on a square-shaped platform.

Goal Tutorial

To get to the goal, roll along the pathway while fighting against its steepness. Swerve just enough to bypass a rocket obstacle whenever one is in your way. Repeat this pattern until you reach the teleporter. Once you have reached the teleporter, roll through it. Then, go behind the teleporter on the square-shaped platform. Then, go through it at a fast speed, and push up-right as much as possible into the goal as you teleport back onto the winding pathway.


Super Monkey Ball: Step & Roll Stages
SMBS&R W1 icon.png Super StraightWinding PathCurved WallDown StepsOur DreamsChuteCurl RampJogging RouteRestless BridgesSegments
SMBS&R W2 icon.png DownhillSpeed LimitHigh BridgesBumpersSeven BridgesRailtrackBrick JointsStarshipStreamPitfalls
SMBS&R W3 icon.png U&IVert RampIsolatedBridge SwitchesDragon BonusLevel UpGate SwitchStatic WavesLinked HierarchyRotary Gates
SMBS&R W4 icon.png Running JumperQuirky TraysRail TracksWeaving RoadNazcaBank SurfRoller CoasterDragon CurveBumpy FieldCount Down
SMBS&R W5 icon.png Clockwise FilterSwing MazeSmooth HillFunboxStadiumDrainpipesGroove SliderMilky WayDeep DitchEcdysis
SMBS&R W6 icon.png ConnectionWindowsDisc PuzzleCascade RailsRound CrossHidden GoalFroggy FeelingFolding BoxReduxHand
SMBS&R W7 icon.png Slow RotationWormhole SlopeCompactWormhole JumperBanana WaveDynamic SlopesRolling RollSwitch BackGuttersSnaky Solid
Other Tutorial StageMarathon Rest Stage