Wormhole (prop)

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For other uses, see Wormhole (disambiguation).

A wormhole is a stage prop that appears in Super Monkey Ball 2, Deluxe, Step & Roll and Banana Mania, which appears on various stages in pairs. A wormhole teleports a monkey from one location to the other in another part of the stage.


A wormhole is a large, brown metallic structure with a purple surface on one side and a golden arrow near the top of this surface. The surface is semi-transparent, providing an image of the view from the corresponding wormhole. Like the goals in Super Monkey Ball 2, wormholes require a small amount of force to enter. Merely touching the surface will cause ripples to appear.

In Super Monkey Ball: Step & Roll, wormholes are now purple rings, and require considerably more force to enter, enough to where their surface tension becomes a legitimate hazard in one of the levels. Wormholes are also double-sided now, and can be used from either end.

Wormholes return in Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble, where they are now blue arch-shaped objects. They are once again one-sided, and function more like they did in Super Monkey Ball 2. Wormholes now appear in Battle mode, where for optimization purposes the reflective surface does not show an image of warp destination. A bug introduced in version 1.11 now causes wormholes to apply various amounts of sideways momentum to the player upon warping them, with the amount varying from portal to portal.

Stage Appearances

In Super Monkey Ball 2 and Banana Mania

In Super Monkey Ball Deluxe

In Super Monkey Ball: Step & Roll


  • In Super Monkey Ball 2, wormholes are exclusive to the Expert mode and its Extra counterpart.
    • This would've been the same case for Deluxe, if it wasn't for Spatiotemporal introducing wormholes at the end of Advanced mode.
  • Most debug stages in Super Monkey Ball 2 have two wormholes on their main platforms that travel in a circle around the starting platform and can be controlled by switches on the platform. This is the only time wormholes move in the game.
  • In Step & Roll, when going through portals, the speedometer will read 999 mph for a single frame, presumably because the game "teleports" the player by moving them through the level to the new location in a single frame.