Ultra Heaven - Stage 7 (iOS)

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For other uses, see Ultra Heaven - Stage 7.

Ultra Heaven - Stage 7 is the seventh stage of the first set of Ultra Heaven levels in Super Monkey Ball 2 (iOS) and Super Monkey Ball 2: Sakura Edition.


The stage begins with a downward slope that has a level part in the middle. There is then a fork in the path. Both paths feature a straight path with 2 square platforms placed periodically along them, followed by a drop off to a large square platform, and then another drop off to the goal in the middle of the 2 paths. On the left path, there is 1 bumper in the centre of each of the small square platforms, while on the right path there are 2 bumpers on the large square platform.

Goal Tutorial

Roll down the slope, then pick either the left or right path. Which ever path you pick, be careful and avoid the bumpers as you follow the path. Drop down onto the large square platform, and then drop down from that square platform to the goal platform.

10 Bananas

The first 4 bananas are on the initial slope. At the bottom of the slope you will find one banana on either side of the landing area. You will then need to go down both paths at least partially to collect all the bananas. Pick a path and go down to the first square platform to collect 2 bananas on either side of it. Then, backtrack and go down the other path to again collect 2 bananas waiting on the first square platform.

Super Monkey Ball 2: Sakura Edition Stages
Jumble Jungle Set 1
Set 2
Pirates Ocean Set 1
Set 2
Sinking Swamp Set 1
Set 2
Cobalt Caverns Set 1
Set 2
Ultra Heaven Set 1
Set 2
Far East