Far East - Stage 3 (iOS)

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Far East - Stage 3 is the 3rd stage of the extra world, Far East, in Super Monkey Ball 2: Sakura Edition.


The stage consists of 3 circular platforms of increasing size positioned one above the other. There are holes in the first and second platform, and slopes forming walls of sorts which mark out paths on each platform. The second platform is divided into 3 sections by said slope walls, and each section is connected by a bridge which goes around the platform.

Goal tutorial

The intended way to beat this level appears to be to follow the paths formed on each platform around to the holes on the platforms, to drop through to the next platform. However, this is time consuming, and there is very little stopping you from simply rolling off the edge of each platform at a point which lets you land on the platform below it. The most obvious place to do this is right after falling through the hole on the first platform, where instead of rolling onto the bridge, you can roll off to the right of it and land near the goal on the bottom platform.


  • This stage uses one of the arch bridges which are used merely as background objects in Super Monkey Ball: Step & Roll as part of the main path to the goal.
Super Monkey Ball 2: Sakura Edition Stages
Jumble Jungle Set 1
Set 2
Pirates Ocean Set 1
Set 2
Sinking Swamp Set 1
Set 2
Cobalt Caverns Set 1
Set 2
Ultra Heaven Set 1
Set 2
Far East