Far East - Stage 9 (iOS)

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Far East - Stage 9 is the 9th stage of the extra world, Far East, in Super Monkey Ball 2: Sakura Edition.


The stage consists of a long path to the goal. Along the path are 2 wide half-cylinders. There are numerous gaps on the path, and even parts of the path that are missing entirely. The half-cylinders get narrower towards the end of the path.

Goal tutorial

You will have to move quickly due to the time limit. Run along the path. When reaching the first gap in the middle of the path, ride over one of the half-cylinders to the part of the path on the other side. Once you have crossed this gap, return over the half-cylinder to the centre, as the next 2 gaps are on either side of the half-cylinders. After this, get back on the outside path to avoid the next gap in the middle. After this, the path disappears for a bit, so you will need to balance on one of the half-cylinders for a bit. When the path returns, go to the centre of the path. Once past the next 2 gaps, roll across to the outside of the path again. You will then need to balance on the half cylenders to cross one more gap in the path, before reaching the goal.

Alternatively, you can balance on the half-cylinders the entire time, but this is difficult.

Super Monkey Ball 2: Sakura Edition Stages
Jumble Jungle Set 1
Set 2
Pirates Ocean Set 1
Set 2
Sinking Swamp Set 1
Set 2
Cobalt Caverns Set 1
Set 2
Ultra Heaven Set 1
Set 2
Far East