Sinking Swamp - Stage 13 (iOS)

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Sinking Swamp - Stage 13 is the third stage of the second set of Sinking Swamp levels in Super Monkey Ball 2 (iOS) and Super Monkey Ball 2: Sakura Edition.


The stage consists of a path containing 90 degree angles, which goes around and eventually leads to a goal. The path starts out fairly narrow, then becomes wide for a while, before becoming fairly narrow again. There is a shortcut path in a part of the path that goes back around on itself, which is fairly narrow, though no narrower than the beginning and end of the main path, and contains some bananas.

Goal Tutorial

Follow the path around to reach the goal. Since the shortcut isn't any narrower than the narrowest parts of the path, there's little risk in taking it, and the bananas on it will get you halfway to an extra life.

10 Bananas

Go across the shortcut path to get the first 5 bananas. Continue following the main path and you will find 2 bananas waiting for you at the next 90 degree turn. The last 3 bananas are on the narrow ending part of the path, near the edge so be careful collecting them.

Super Monkey Ball 2: Sakura Edition Stages
Jumble Jungle Set 1
Set 2
Pirates Ocean Set 1
Set 2
Sinking Swamp Set 1
Set 2
Cobalt Caverns Set 1
Set 2
Ultra Heaven Set 1
Set 2
Far East