Sinking Swamp - Stage 6 (iOS)

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For other uses, see Sinking Swamp - Stage 6.

Sinking Swamp - Stage 6 is the sixth stage of the first set of Sinking Swamp levels in Super Monkey Ball 2 (iOS) and Super Monkey Ball 2: Sakura Edition.


The stage consists of a 4-layered square platform. Each of the layers are a separate piece. The outermost and second innermost layers are coloured differently, and periodically rotate clockwise. The second innermost layer ends up raised above the rest of the platform every other half-rotation.

Goal Tutorial

Roll onto the outermost layer right as it is coming to a stop, and stop when you get onto the next layer. Wait for the layer ahead of you to rotate and, if it ends up in the raised position, rotate again, and then repeat the process to get to the middle. Do not attempt to cross the rotating layers from the side, only from the front or back, as otherwise if you are still on them when they begin to rotate you will almost surely fall out.

10 Bananas

There are 2 bananas on each side of the second outermost layer (which is stationary). Roll around it to collect each one. There are 2 bananas on either side of the goal, which you can collect.

Super Monkey Ball 2: Sakura Edition Stages
Jumble Jungle Set 1
Set 2
Pirates Ocean Set 1
Set 2
Sinking Swamp Set 1
Set 2
Cobalt Caverns Set 1
Set 2
Ultra Heaven Set 1
Set 2
Far East