User:TheLobsterCopter5000/List of Journal entries

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The Journal is a menu item in Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble, accessible from the options menu. It contains many entries, including tips, secrets, and background information. A random entry from the Journal is shown during loading screens, usually one pertaining to the mode currently being played.

The following is a transcript of entries that appear in the Journal:

Basics: Adventure

Title Content
Adventure Basics Reach the goal before time runs out! If you fall off the Stage, you'll have to restart from the beginning, so be careful!

If you clear the Stage, you'll receive points equal to the number of bananas you collected! Once you've mastered the basics, try completing some missions!

Helper Functions 1 You can use Helper Functions when playing Story! When Helper Functions are enabled, you'll be able to use checkpoints, the rewind functions, ghost guides, and route guides!

Keep in mind that when you clear a Stage with Helper Functions enabled, you won't be able to complete missions.

Helper Functions 2 Checkpoint:

If you pass a checkpoint, you can restart from it if you don't clear the Stage!

*There are some Stages that do not have checkpoints


Press Y to rewind! Use ← and → to determine what point in time you want to rewind to, then press Y again to start playing from that point!

Helper Function 3 Ghost Guide:

A ghost guide will appear to show you how to clear the stage! Follow it to clear the Stage yourself!

Route Guide

Directions showing which route you should take will appear on the Stage! If you're not sure where to go, just follow the route guide!

Time Attack Compete for the fastest total clear time in a predetermined set of Stages! When using online features, you can upload your best time to the leaderboards and race against ghosts of other players from around the world!

*Helper Functions are unavailable here.

Multiplayer Play Adventure Stages with others! If anyone reaches the goal, the Stage will be cleared! Work together to collect bananas and complete missions!

*Helper Functions are unavailable here.

Story Controls L: None
R: Reset Camera/Lock Camera
ZL: None
ZR: Look Behind

L-Stick: Tilt Stage
→: None
↓: Zoom In/Out
←: None
↑: Zoom In/Out

X: Minimap Size
Y: None
A: None
B: Spin Dash
R-Stick: Rotate Camera

Helper Functions controls L: None
R: Reset Camera/Lock Camera
ZL: None
ZR: Look Behind

L-Stick: Tilt Stage
→: None
↓: Zoom In/Out
←: None
↑: Zoom In/Out

X: Minimap Size
Y: Rewind
A: None
B: Spin Dash
R-Stick: Rotate Camera

Time Attack Controls L: None
R: Reset Camera/Lock Camera
ZL: None
ZR: Look Behind

L-Stick: Tilt Stage
→: None
↓: Zoom In/Out
←: None
↑: Zoom In/Out

X: Minimap Size
Y: Change Record Time
A: None
B: Spin Dash
R-Stick: Rotate Camera

Multiplayer Controls (Not Split Screen) L: None
R: Reset Camera/Lock Camera
ZL: Chat Wheel
ZR: Look Behind

L-Stick: Tilt Stage
→: None
↓: Zoom In/Out
←: None
↑: Zoom In/Out

X: Minimap Size
Y: None
A: None
B: Spin Dash
R-Stick: Rotate Camera

Multiplayer Controls (Split Screen) L: None
R: Reset Camera/Lock Camera
ZL: None
ZR: Look Behind

L-Stick: Tilt Stage
→: None
↓: Zoom In/Out
←: None
↑: Zoom In/Out

X: None
Y: None
A: None
B: Spin Dash
R-Stick: Rotate Camera

Basics: Battle

Title Content
Battle Basics Battle Mode

In Battle, up to 16 players can play together in 6 different game modes: Race, Banana Hunt, Ba-BOOM!, Goal Rush, Robot Smash, and Gem Heist!


In Battle, press Y to use items! You can get items by touching an item box or filling up your Item Gauge!

Items Basics Item Box

Item boxes are placed all over each Stage! Roll into one, and you'll be given one of many handy items!

Special Item

Some items you can only get by filling up the Item Gauge! Which ones you can get depends on the character you're playing as! They tend to be more useful than regular items, so try to get them often!

Item Gauge Your Item Gauge will slowly fill up over time depending on how you're doing against other players! Bumping into others and falling out of the Stage also fill it up!

Different characters can get different items from the Item Gauge, so change up who you play as to try out all the items!

Battle Random People When you select "Battle Random People", you'll play with others around the globe on random Battle modes and Stages!

Your Versus Level will increase based on the results of each match! Amazing things await you for raising your Versus Level... Keep playing to find out what!

Race Race other players and reach the goal before they do!

If you fall out of the Stage, you'll restart at the last checkpoint you passed!

Banana Hunt 1 Whoever collects the most bananas wins! Keep an eye out for the randomly appearing Banana Cloud that will rain lots of Banana Bunches!

In the last 30 seconds of the match, Fever Time will kick in! Banana Bunches will appear all over, so try to get a ton of points!

Banana Hunt 2 When you fall out of the Stage while playing Banana Hunt, you'll drop some of the bananas you had collected!

Your opponents will then be able to grab those bananas for themselves, so try not to fall out!

Ba-BOOM! 1 Pass the bomb to an opponent, then roll away! If you're not holding a bomb by the end of a round, you'll get points! Whoever has the most points after five rounds wins!

If you fall out of the Stage, you'll lose points and be unable to move for a time once you're back on the Stage!

Ba-BOOM! 2 Player With Bomb

Get another player into the pass area in front of you and pass them the bomb! Players you can pass the bomb to will be highlighted with a blue light!

Player Without Bomb

Players highlighted with a red light will try to get close and pass their bomb to you! Stay away from them until the end of the round!

Goal Rush 1 Roll through goals for points! The number above each goal shows how many points they're worth! Try to get more points than the other team!

Rolling through a goal will turn it your team's color! Going through goals with your team color gets you bonus points! And at the end of the match, each team gets 50 points for each goal that's their color!

Goal Rush 2 Bonus Goal

Throughout the game, some goals will start glowing! These glowing goals are Bonus Goals, and they're worth more points than normal goals!

Super Bonus Goal

The Super Bonus Goal will appear in the last 30 seconds of the game and is worth a huge amount of bonus points! Try to get it as quickly as you can!

Robot Smash 1 Deal damage to robots to earn points! Try to get more points than the other team by the end of the game!

How much damage you do depends on the weight of your character and how fast you're moving! Do a lot of damage by hitting robots on the head! Destroy robots completely to get lots of points!

Robot Smash 2 Every robot you destroy helps to fill up your Team Gauge!

Once the Team Gauge is full, Bonus Time will start! During Bonus Time, you and your teammates will deal more damage than usual to robots!

Gem Heist 1 Carry gems to your team's area to earn points! Try to reach the high score before the other team!

Avoid bumping into your opponents or items while holding a gem, since they'll make you drop it! Watch where you roll!

Gem Heist 2 There's lots of different types of gems out there! The heavier ones are harder to carry, but you'll get more points when you bring them back to your area!

If you're carrying a smaller one, you can always swap it for a bigger one on your way back!

Gem Heist 3 Star Diamond

Shortly after the game begins, a special Star Diamond will appear! The Star Diamond will give you lots of points!

Treasure Chest

A treasure Chest will appear near the end of the game, and you won't know what's in it 'til you pick it up! It might even be more valuable than the Star Diamond–grab one to find out!

Gem Heist 4 Green gem = 2000 points
Pink gem = 4000 points
Blue gem = 6000 points
Treasure Chest value A = 7000 points
Star Diamond - 9000 points
Treasure Chest value B = 10,000 points
Treasure Chest value C = 13,000 points
Gem Heist 5 Final Bonus

You'll get some points from any gem you're still carrying at the end of the game!
The closer you are to your team's area, the more points you'll get!


Every time you make someone on the opposing team drop their gem, that adds to your steals!
If both teams have the same number of points at the end of the game, the team with the most steals wins!

Items 1 Banana Peel

Drop a banana peel! Try not to slip on any you see lying around!

  • Race ✓
  • Banana Hunt ✓
  • Ba-BOOM! ✓
  • Goal Rush ✓
  • Robot Smash ✓
  • Gem Heist ✓


Swing a bat to knock your opponents out of the way!

  • Race ✓
  • Banana Hunt ✓
  • Ba-BOOM! ✓
  • Goal Rush ✓
  • Robot Smash ✓
  • Gem Heist ✓


Launch a missile to blast opponents! If one's coming for you, dodge it!

  • Race ✓
  • Banana Hunt ✓
  • Ba-BOOM! ✓
  • Goal Rush ✓
  • Robot Smash ✓
  • Gem Heist ✓

Heavy Ball

Throw weights that'll slow anyone they hit! Dodge ones coming for you!

  • Race ✓
  • Banana Hunt ✓
  • Ba-BOOM! ✓
  • Goal Rush ✓
  • Robot Smash ✓
  • Gem Heist ✓
Items 2 Ice Beam

Launch ice beams to make opponents unable to control their movements!

  • Race ✓
  • Banana Hunt ✓
  • Ba-BOOM! ✓
  • Goal Rush ✓
  • Robot Smash ✓
  • Gem Heist ✓

Black Hole

Release a black hole to suck in opponents and wreak havoc!

  • Race ✓
  • Banana Hunt ✓
  • Ba-BOOM! ✓
  • Goal Rush ✓
  • Robot Smash ✓
  • Gem Heist ✓


Shake the ground within the area of effect! Give nearby opponents a jolt!

  • Race ✓
  • Banana Hunt ✓
  • Ba-BOOM! ✓
  • Goal Rush ✓
  • Robot Smash ✓
  • Gem Heist ✓


Play a tune that'll make anyone in earshot stop rolling and dance!

  • Race ✓
  • Banana Hunt ✓
  • Ba-BOOM! ✓
  • Goal Rush ✓
  • Robot Smash ✓
  • Gem Heist ✓
Items 3 Phantom Thief Mask

Throw a mask to block opponents' vision! Watch out for calling cards!

  • Race ✓
  • Banana Hunt ✓
  • Ba-BOOM! ✓
  • Goal Rush ✓
  • Robot Smash ✓
  • Gem Heist ✓


Turn into a ghost for a time so you can move through opponents!

  • Race ✓
  • Banana Hunt ✓
  • Ba-BOOM! ✓
  • Goal Rush ✓
  • Robot Smash ✓
  • Gem Heist ✓

Planet Rings

Use the rings around you to bump into others and launch them away!

  • Race ✓
  • Banana Hunt ✓
  • Ba-BOOM! ✓
  • Goal Rush x
  • Robot Smash x
  • Gem Heist ✓


Become invisible to your opponents when you need to hide from them!

  • Race ✓
  • Banana Hunt ✓
  • Ba-BOOM! ✓
  • Goal Rush ✓
  • Robot Smash x
  • Gem Heist ✓
Items 4 Barrier

Nullify items affecting you and be protected from incoming ones!

  • Race ✓
  • Banana Hunt ✓
  • Ba-BOOM! ✓
  • Goal Rush ✓
  • Robot Smash ✓
  • Gem Heist ✓

Speed Boost

Move faster for a limited amount of time!

  • Race x
  • Banana Hunt x
  • Ba-BOOM! x
  • Goal Rush x
  • Robot Smash ✓
  • Gem Heist ✓

Dash Boost

Charge your Spin Dash quicker and do them consecutively without waiting!

  • Race ✓
  • Banana Hunt ✓
  • Ba-BOOM! ✓
  • Goal Rush ✓
  • Robot Smash ✓
  • Gem Heist x


Suck in bananas and items, and make it hard to get knocked back!

  • Race x
  • Banana Hunt ✓
  • Ba-BOOM! x
  • Goal Rush x
  • Robot Smash x
  • Gem Heist x
Items 5 Jump

Jump by pressing Y for a limited amount of time!

  • Race ✓
  • Banana Hunt x
  • Ba-BOOM! ✓
  • Goal Rush ✓
  • Robot Smash x
  • Gem Heist ✓


Grow huge for a time and bump into opponents to send the flying!

  • Race ✓
  • Banana Hunt ✓
  • Ba-BOOM! ✓
  • Goal Rush x
  • Robot Smash ✓
  • Gem Heist ✓
Battle Controls L: None
R: Reset Camera/Lock Camera
ZL: None
ZR: Look Behind

L-Stick: Tilt Stage
→: None
↓: Zoom In/Out
←: None
↑: Zoom In/Out

X: Minimap Size
Y: Use Item
A: None
B: Spin Dash
R-Stick: Rotate Camera

Multiplayer Controls (Not Split Screen) L: None
R: Reset Camera/Lock Camera
ZL: Chat Wheel
ZR: Look Behind

L-Stick: Tilt Stage
→: None
↓: Zoom In/Out
←: None
↑: Zoom In/Out

X: Minimap Size
Y: Use Item
A: None
B: Spin Dash
R-Stick: Rotate Camera

Multiplayer Control (Split Screen) L: None
R: Reset Camera/Lock Camera
ZL: None
ZR: Look Behind

L-Stick: Tilt Stage
→: None
↓: Zoom In/Out
←: None
↑: Zoom In/Out

X: None
Y: Use Item
A: None
B: Spin Dash
R-Stick: Rotate Camera

Tips: Adventure

Title Content
View Stage Tip If you get lost, try using the View Stage option in the Pause Menu.
Boulder Tip In certain Stages, there are boulders that can be moved around.
Switches Tip 1 Switches can cause a variety of effects on objects in a Stage, such as making them faster, making them pause, or making them start moving!
Switches Tip 2 Pressing a switch may make the floor or the walls start moving!
Clear Tip 1 Try using different characters for different Stages!
Clear Tip 2 If you look carefully, perhaps you'll find some Stages have possible shortcuts?
Helper Functions Tip 1 Helper Functions are available in the Pause Menu. Feel free to use them if you're having a tough time!
Helper Functions Tip 2 When using Helper Functions, you can restart from a checkpoint that you've reached if you fall off the Stage.
Helper Functions Tip 3 When using Helper Functions, a guide will be displayed for your route.
Helper Functions Tip 4 When using Helper Functions, you are able to rewind by pressing Y.
Helper Functions Tip 5 When using Helper Functions, a ghost guide will appear in each Stage for you to follow!
Movie Hint You can watch any Movie as many times as you like in Memories.
Missions Tip 1 In the Options menu, you can choose to display the Stage Missions while playing in Adventure Mode.
Mission Tip 2 Try using the View Stage option in the Pause Menu to search for bananas. It may help you find the Golden Banana!
Multiplayer Tip 1 When playing with other people, the Stage is cleared when one person reaches the goal.
Multiplayer Tip 2 If one person clears a Stage Mission, then it counts as cleared for everyone.
AiAi Fun Fact AiAi is a monkey who loves bananas. He's absolutely crazy about them!
MeeMee Fun Fact MeeMee loves AiAi. She's always fretting over him.
Baby Fun Fact Baby is AiAi and MeeMee's child who came from the future.
GonGon Fun Fact GonGon used to be AiAi's rival a long time ago, but now they're best friends!
YanYan Fun Fact 1 YanYan's father used to be the strongest monkey in the world.
YanYan Fun Fact 2 YanYan learned the martial art Hachi-en-Ken from her father.
Doctor Fun Fact 1 Doctor is a monkey that one day washed up on Monkey Island out of nowhere.
Doctor Fun Fact 2 Doctor lost all of his memories, and he can't even remember his own name.
Doctor Fun Fact 3 MeeMee and YanYan braided Doctor's beard!
Doctor Fun Fact 4 Doctor is great at coming up with new inventions, and he makes a lot of them for the others!
Doctor Fun Fact 5 Doctor is an old monkey, so he gets exhausted easily when he runs.
Doctor Fun Fact 6 Sometimes Doctor does strange dances.
Palette Fun Fact 1 Palette is about the same age as YanYan, and they get along really well!
Palette Fun Fact 2 Palette is good at finding traps.
Palette Fun Fact 3 Palette loves sweets, especially jelly.
Palette Fun Fact 4 Palette loves drawing pictures, and she is also very good at it!
Palette Fun Fact 5 Palette can control her tail just as skillfully as her hands and feet.
Easel Fun Fact 1 Easel is skilled at drawing pictures. In fact, he's even better at drawing than Palette is!
Easel Fun Fact 2 Easel is able to control his tail just as skillfully as his hands and feet.
Easel Fun Fact 3 Easel is good at crafting things, and he can create traps to steal treasure.
Easel Fun Fact 4 Easel is said to be an infamous phantom thief.
Easel & Palette Fun Fact 1 Easel and Palette are captivated by treasure.
Easel & Palette Fun Fact 2 Easel cares deeply for Palette.
Easel & Palette Fun Fact 3 Easel and Palette have matching phantom thief outfits.
Easel & Palette Fun Fact 4 Easel and Palette can skillfully use their tails to steal treasure.
Fes Fun Fact 1 Fes likes fruit, especially melons and grapes.
Fes Fun Fact 2 Fes is a huge fan of Easel and always carries around a picture of him.
Fes Fun Fact 3 Fes absolutely loves treasure and can't resist the lure of lavish riches!
Fes Fun Fact 4 Fes actually met Palette a long time ago. After that, Fes formed the Gala family!
Fes Fun Fact 5 Easel once helped Fes out with something. Since then, Fes has been a steadfast fan of Easel!
Tee Fun Fact 1 Tee loves reading books and sleeping. He also likes increasing his knowledge by learning new things!
Tee Fun Fact 2 Tee is always sleepy and can fall asleep anywhere! Val always carries Tee around when he's sleeping.
Tee Fun Fact 3 Tee has a normal mode and a focused mode. In focused mode, Tee employs his genius intellect.
Tee Fun Fact 4 Tee loves science experiments and comes up with a lot of new inventions.
Tee Fun Fact 5 Tee loves getting praised! Fes and Val have a lot of respect for him.
Val Fun Fact 1 Val is the oldest member of the Gala Family. He's always looking out for the others!
Val Fun Fact 2 Val secretly likes sweets and cute things.
Val Fun Fact 3 Val is strong and good at martial arts. He trains hard so that he can protect everyone!
Val Fun Fact 4 Val lets flattery go to his head.
Val Fun Fact 5 Val comes from a rich family. Because of this, he has excellent manners and carries himself with grace!
Gala Family Fun Fact Everyone in the Gala family gets along really well, just like a real family.
Dr. Bad-Boon Fun Fact 1 Dr. Bad-Boon is crazy about MeeMee!
Dr. Bad-Boon Fun Fact 2 Dr. Bad-Boon is always plotting to foil AiAi's plans!
Dr. Bad-Boon Fun Fact 3 Dr. Bad-Boon is a super smart scientist who can build things like robots and airships!
Juicy Island Fun Fact 1 Juicy Island is a popular tropical resort well-known for its beautiful beaches.
Juicy Island Fun Fact 2 The bananas from Juicy Island are famous and commonly given as souvenirs.
Banana Farm Fun Fact There is a harvest festival being held at Banana Farm.
Rose Garden Fun Fact There is a tea party being held in the Rose Garden.
Floating City Fun Fact Floating City is a city floating on the water.
Golden Temple Fun Fact Golden Temple is overflowing with riches.
Stone Valley Fun Fact At Stone Valley, even as the sun sets, the Moais will continue to dance.
Neon Arena Fun Fact At Neon Arena, there is a concert being held in a giant stadium.
Candy Castle Fun Fact Candy Castle is made entirely out of sweets and frosting.
Oceanus Fun Fact Oceanus is an oceanic world with constant rain and lightning.
Caelum Fun Fact Caelum is an aerial world with an advanced civilization that floats above a sea of clouds.
Astrum Fun Fact Astrum is a mythical world that glistens and shines as it reflects the colorful lights of stars.