Time over

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A Time Over, also known as a Timeover or a Time's Up, is one of two ways to fail a stage in the Main Game, the other being the Fallout. A time over occurs when the time limit on a stage runs out, or when forfeiting a stage in Step & Roll and 3D. Unlike a fallout, a time over is not accompanied by an instant replay, and a unique time over sound effect will play.

Unique to Banana Mania, however, time overs are followed by an instant replay.


Triggering a time over fails the stage. This causes the following:

  • If playing in Challenge Mode, the player will lose one life. If no lives remain, the player will be offered a chance to Continue, or will receive a game over if none remain or if they choose not to.
    • If playing in Challenge Mode in Banana Mania, the time over count for that attempt will increase by one instead.
  • If playing in Story Mode, the player will be asked if they want to try again or quit the stage.
  • In most games, the player is able to save a replay at this point.
  • Either way, the player will have to restart the stage from the beginning, with the stage and time limit being reset, and (in most games) the bananas being reset as well.

Upon a time over occurring, the player's controls are disabled, and in most games, gravity is disabled as well, and the monkey will come to a gradual stop. In most games, crossing the goal after triggering a time over will not complete the stage. However, in Banana Blitz, Step & Roll, 3D, and Banana Splitz, it is possible to complete the stage after time runs out if the goal is crossed. Doing so in Step & Roll and 3D will earn the player the Buzzer Beater collectable.

Although not technically a time over, a similar effect occurs in Banana Mania's Dark Banana Mode after touching a dark banana.

In Party Games

A time over can also occur in all versions of Monkey Race, due to them featuring a time limit when played in single player that only applies to the player, and will forfeit the race for them if it runs out.

Warp glitch

Main article: Time Over Warp

In Super Monkey Ball, Super Monkey Ball 2, and Super Monkey Ball Deluxe, a glitch occurs when the player crosses the goal and runs out of time at the exact same time. The player will still lose the stage, but when they restart that stage, it will behave as the final stage of the selected difficulty.