Co-op Play

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Co-op Play is a mode in Super Monkey Ball: Step & Roll. In it, a second player points at the screen to aim a reticle at obstacles, and shoot them to damage and destroy them.


Player one controls the game as usual. Player two points at the screen to aim a retical at obstacles. The retical turns red when aiming at an obstacle that can be destroyed. Obstacles may take 1-6 shots to destroy depending on the obstacle, or may require to be shot in a specific location. Firing at obstacles consumes ammunition, but ammo can be replenished by shaking the Wii remote.

This game mode is played on the same stages as single player mode, but with the layout of obstacles being different, usually either containing more obstacles, or obstacles in more disruptive locations, often blocking the player's path and requiring player two to shoot them to progress. Different guns can be picked up by the player, or shot by player two, to be equipped, and have different amounts of ammo and different effects. The gun type resets to the default at the start of each new level, or when respawning from a fall out.


There are 3 weapon types:

  • A standard green gun, which has 9 ammo and no special properties
  • A red rocket launcher gun, which has 30 ammo and fires explosive rounds which do triple damage and can hit multiple obstacles at once. However, it also destroys bananas.
  • A blue laser gun, which has 30 ammo and fires lasers which can pierce through obstacles and hit multiple obstacles in a line.


World Image HP Description
Monkey Island TotemObstacle.png 1 A totem pole head.
Excavation Site MoaiObstacle.png 3 A Moai statue on a stone podium. The statue shrinks and its facial expression changes with each shot.
Chimpan Sea TallRockObstacle.png 6 A tall rock. Gradually cracks with damage.
WideRockObstacle.png 6 A wide rock. Gradually cracks with damage.
SmallRockObstacle.png 3 A small rock. Gradually cracks with damage.
Far East JapaneseObstacle.png 3 A Japanese mask. Facial expression changes with each shot. Lets out a pained sound when destroyed.
BuddhistObstacle.png N/A A golden Buddhist statue. Indestructible.
Polar Festival JackObstacle.png 2 A jack-o'-lantern. Lets off a cackle when destroyed.
BigJackObstacle.png 3 A large jack-o'-lantern. Lets off a cackle when destroyed.
SmallJackObstacle.png 1 A mini jack-o'-lantern. Lets off a cackle when destroyed.
IceObstacle.png 3 A chunk of ice. Slides backwards when shot, and gradually cracks with damage. Can be pushed by player, even in single player mode.
Magma Valley SkullObstacle.png 1 A chattering skull. Makes a chattering sound when destroyed.
EyeObstacle.png 1 A head with an eye that closes when being looked at. Must be shot in the open eye to be destroyed.
Siliconia RocketObstacle.png 3 A rocket ship. Each shot increases the amount of lights, with the third shot launching the rocket.
RobotObstacle.png 1 A robot head whose face periodically rotates 90 degrees. Must be shot in the face to be destroyed.