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For the original appearance in Super Monkey Ball 2, see Stepping Stones.

Formation is the 7th stage of the 5th world, Palarvar Lava, in Super Monkey Ball: Touch & Roll.

It is a remake of Stepping Stones from Super Monkey Ball 2, except there isn't the starting rectangular platform.


This stage features teal and viridian, rectangular platforms set in a descending circular pattern. The is also an ending teal and viridian, rectangular platform. There are holes with violet edges set up diagonally in the centers of these platforms. The platforms have violet edges. The left side has wider platforms. The goal is located on the final platform.

Goal Tutorial

To get to the goal, turn left unless you are extremely confident about making your way along the right side. Roll and fall inwardly at a somewhat high speed, and brake enough to avoid falling out onto the next, rectangular platform. Repeat this pattern until you make it to the ending rectangular platform. Once you have made it to the ending rectangular platform, roll up to and carefully into the goal.

Super Monkey Ball: Touch & Roll Stages
SMBT&R W1 icon.png ElementarySine WaveCurvatureProgenitorBareAnacondaFluctuant TravelatorSwatheAssimilateSpiral Staircase
SMBT&R W2 icon.png Mini BumpDouble ScepterOffsetting InclinePincerDepressionsStarfishDeviant DropReceding CurvesDisplacementLabyrinthine
SMBT&R W3 icon.png RacketBasinParasiteWeb MatrixReverberateBeveled EdgesBetting CourseHaloInfinityMillipede
SMBT&R W4 icon.png EpicenterWavy Brick RoadRollercoasterDescending RingsCellsScytheSerratedOscillating WavesOblivionWhirl
SMBT&R W5 icon.png DeviationSwordSlotLong Winding RoadPitConveyorFormationSwingTunnel VisionLeviathan
SMBT&R W6 icon.png Meandering RoadSlalomCoilTilted StretchRouletteAcuteMenacing ConclusionImpedimentFree RideFluctuation
SMBT&R W7 icon.png DeceptionLateral UndulationSuspensionUndulating RoadSkateparkCongealmentPlummet ChasmTornadoRippling RoadRotary Bypass
SMBT&R W8 icon.png Hollow DiamondSpiral Under StarsBack RoundStaircaseSpinning SunParallel PeaksCircular WavesObstacle CoursePinball PursuitRoad to Nowhere
SMBT&R W9 icon.png GyrationConverseMotion GearDeflecting ProtrusionRotaryArmadaTrailPendulumWheel of FortuneStarlight Express
SMBT&R W10 icon.png AscensionRailsPerpetual MotionScraper DescentDrop Downhill DropEntwinedIntertwinedRevolutionSieve TrackSlinky
SMBT&R W11 icon.png BackslideCherry DropTrufflesAsymmetryScallopTransienceDivergenceWormholeProhibitionLocomote
SMBT&R W12 icon.png WhiplashLickshotSpasmodicGesticulationProtuberanceGaugePermeationCavityAperturePalpitation