Ice Lolly Land

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Ice Lolly Land (コリゴオリランド Shaved ice land) is the 6th world of Super Monkey Ball: Touch & Roll.

The music for Smooth Sherbet in Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz and Super Monkey Ball (iOS) is loosely based on the music from this world.


This world takes place above an icy Antarctic ocean, where the stages are surrounded by icebergs that are inhabited by penguins.


  1. Meandering Road
  2. Slalom
  3. Coil
  4. Tilted Stretch
  5. Roulette
  6. Acute
  7. Menacing Conclusion
  8. Impediment
  9. Free Ride
  10. Fluctuation


  • An ice lolly is a flavoured ice treat commonly referred to as a popsicle in America.
  • The internal name for this world is ICE.
Super Monkey Ball: Touch & Roll Worlds
Wet 'N' WindyJunglistic JourneyBlistering SandsFantascene FallsPalarvar LavaIce Lolly LandTempest StormMeteorite MayhemBig Bang BoomZero G StationStudio OneMesh Mosh