Space Case - Stage 6 (iOS)

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For other uses, see Space Case - Stage 6.

Space Case - Stage 6 is the 6th stage of the 5th and final world, Space Case, in Super Monkey Ball (iOS).


This stage features a set of three moving aqua and teal, rectangular platforms with dark green and red edges. There is also a slightly sloped, aqua and teal, rectangular platform at a slightly higher elevation than the three moving platforms, across and beneath which the second moving platform will move. There are bananas and small, dark green, rectangular walls along the way. There is also a small, aqua and teal, rectangular platform with dark green and red edges on which the player starts, and there is also a rectangular, aqua and teal platform with dark green and red edges at the end, which has the goal.

Goal Tutorial

To get to the goal, roll onto the first moving platform when it is adjoined to the platform on which you are. Then, stay on the platform on which you are while avoiding some small, dark green, rectangular walls until the next moving platform is adjoined to the platform on which you are. Then, roll immediately onto the next moving platform, and then stay on the platform on which you are while avoiding some small, dark green, rectangular walls until the slightly sloped platform is adjoined to the platform on which you are. Then, roll immediately onto the slightly sloped platform, and then roll back onto the second moving platform as soon as it is in front of the platform on which you are. Then, roll immediately onto the next and final moving platform, and then stay on the platform on which you are while avoiding some small, dark green, rectangular walls until the goal platform is adjoined to the platform on which you are. Then, roll immediately onto the goal platform, and then roll into the goal.

Super Monkey Ball (iOS) Stages
Monkey Island Set 1
Set 2
Smooth Sherbet Set 1
Set 2
Detritus Desert Set 1
Set 2
Volcanic Pools Set 1
Set 2
Space Case Set 1
Set 2