Expert Floor 12 (Jr.)

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For other uses, see Expert Floor 12.

Expert Floor 12 is the 12th Expert floor in Super Monkey Ball Jr.

It is a remake of Diving from Super Monkey Ball, but without the bumpers on the section with the goal.


This floor consists of a piston-shaped platform with a goal on a long, narrow section in the middle. The goal moves back-and-forth. Behind the goal is a wider area with bumpers and bananas.

Goal Tutorial

Watch the goal and time moving forward into it when it reaches the middle of its cycle.

Super Monkey Ball Jr. Floors
SMBJr. B icon.png BE01BE02BE03BE04BE05BE06BE07BE08BE09BE10
SMBJr. A icon.png AD01AD02AD03AD04AD05AD06AD07AD08AD09AD10AD11AD12AD13AD14AD15AD16AD17AD18AD19AD20
SMBJr. E icon.png EX01EX02EX03EX04EX05EX06EX07EX08EX09EX10EX11EX12EX13EX14EX15EX16EX17EX18EX19EX20EX21EX22EX23EX24EX25EX26EX27EX28EX29EX30
SMBJr. BX icon.png BE01 EXBE02 EXBE03 EX
SMBJr. AX icon.png AD01 EXAD02 EXAD03 EX
SMBJr. EX icon.png EX01 EXEX02 EXEX03 EX
SMBJr. M icon.png MA01MA02MA03MA04MA05