Beginner Extra 3 (Jr.)

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For other uses, see Beginner Extra 3.

Beginner Extra 3 is the third and final extra stage in the Beginner Mode of Super Monkey Ball Jr. It is an original stage to this game.


The stage consists of a single moving platform from the starting area to the goal area that moves in a straight path, while several stationary pyramid-shaped blocks obstruct the player's movement on the platform. The platform moves at a constant speed, meaning it will not slow down upon reaching the starting or goal platforms.

Super Monkey Ball Jr. Floors
SMBJr. B icon.png BE01BE02BE03BE04BE05BE06BE07BE08BE09BE10
SMBJr. A icon.png AD01AD02AD03AD04AD05AD06AD07AD08AD09AD10AD11AD12AD13AD14AD15AD16AD17AD18AD19AD20
SMBJr. E icon.png EX01EX02EX03EX04EX05EX06EX07EX08EX09EX10EX11EX12EX13EX14EX15EX16EX17EX18EX19EX20EX21EX22EX23EX24EX25EX26EX27EX28EX29EX30
SMBJr. BX icon.png BE01 EXBE02 EXBE03 EX
SMBJr. AX icon.png AD01 EXAD02 EXAD03 EX
SMBJr. EX icon.png EX01 EXEX02 EXEX03 EX
SMBJr. M icon.png MA01MA02MA03MA04MA05