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Hi, I am BabytheMonkey975, aka Eric. I have loved the Super Monkey Ball series since around when the second game was released. I love every Super Monkey Ball game I have played. My favorite in the series is a tie between Super Monkey Ball and Super Monkey Ball 2. Super Monkey Ball Deluxe is a very close 3rd. The only reason it would be 3rd is because of the control stick difference. Super Monkey Ball Adventure and Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz are my next favorites. Not only are Super Monkey Ball and Super Monkey Ball 2 my favorite games in the Super Monkey Ball series, they are my favorite video games of all-time. Sometimes, I have actually thought I like Super Monkey Ball more than anyone else in the world, but I am sure others have felt that way as well. While I love all the characters so much, my favorite is Baby. He is so endearing, and he is extremely intelligent. Also, Baby definitely has the best animations. He can do backflips in the first Super Monkey Ball games even though he can't walk. He can bounce on his butt so well as well.

Games I Own