Ninja Stomp

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Ninja Stomp is a Party Game in Super Monkey Ball: Step & Roll. You must avoid hazards thrown at you and collect money.


Lots of things are thrown at you from the front. Block the throwing stars and smoke bombs by flipping the straw mat up. Collect coins and sacks of money by flipping it down. You'll be in trouble if a smoke bomb hits you!


  • Flick Wii Remote up: to lift up straw mat
  • Flick Wii Remote down: to set down straw mat


Super Monkey Ball: Step & Roll Mini Games
Balloon RaceBattle PinballFirefighterFruit BasketHovercraft BattleHovercraft RaceHurdle RaceJump RopeLadder ClimbingLugeMonkey RaceMonkey SnowboardMonkey TargetNinja StompRed Light, Green LightSeesaw BallSkydivingSpaceship LandingSpinning Top AttackStarlight SwingSumo Smash