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Missions are a feature in Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania and Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble. They are challenges that the player can complete in order to receive points, which can be spent in the games' respective shops.


Missions can be found in the "Missions" menu, or by pressing the "missions" button while on applicable areas of the menu. Each mission requires the player to perform a certain task in order to clear them. Clearing a mission marks the mission as cleared, and awards a certain number of Banana Points. In Banana Mania, Story Mode levels, and other Main Game modes also have an icon next to them which turns gold when all missions in that level or mode are cleared. In Banana Rumble, missions for Adventure mode stages are displayed under the stage preview image and, if enabled in the settings, on the side of the screen while playing the stages.

Missions may require the player to play certain modes, clear stages in a certain amount of time, achieve certain scores or complete certain challenges in Party Games etc. Missions are separated in the Missions menu into categories. In Banana Mania, these categories are Story Mode, Challenge Mode, Special Mode, Party Games, and Other, while in Banana Rumble they are Main Missions and Stage Missions. A total of 747 missions appear in Banana Mania and 658 appear in Banana Rumble, with a special mission being cleared when every other mission in the game is cleared.

The amount of points awarded for completing a mission is displayed in a box to the right of the mission name, and a brief description of how to complete a mission is displayed when highlighting an individual mission.
