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Kongri-la is the second half of Monkitropolis in Super Monkey Ball Adventure.


Kongri-la is a tribal, mostly-underwater sea palace west of Monkitropolis. Its surfaced lands include smaller land masses with broken bridges surrounding one big, main island. Tied to the main island is the sun, and inside shows 10 puzzle realm floors. Monkitropolis often interferes with this land for water and sunlight because their city lacks of it. Monkeys here are mistaken for monsters due to the masks they wear to drown out the noise constantly blaring at them.

Under the surface is a dark, underwater city with ruins and the throne room nearby. A wing ring can be seen. It is very cold down there, so the Kongri-lans installed a giant fan and using mirrors, it directs the sunlight down to the area. Growing bananas here is tough due to hermit crabs wanting a share.


The Super Monkey Ball Team is introduced to Kongri-la once they are appointed to help Bran'ran collect bananas via Robochimps. Once the four arrive, they are greeted by monsters... or are they? Although scared at first, the civilians take off their masks, revealing they are monkeys, just like them.

The team, after helping out around the town, go forward to see King Kon-kon and Queen Cha-cha, Princess Dee-Dee's parents. With the same introduction and same rejection as before, suddenly something happens - the building jerks to connect to the other half of the yin-yang on the floor - MonMON and FeeFEE are on the other side, dressed as green-eyed monsters, and Kon-kon the same Kongri-lan mask. What is going on here?

AiAi gets very angry and rips off each of their masks. There were never any monsters - they made up their own, with that ignoring their children's love. Both families feel ashamed, but are willing to unite their kingdoms and go to the wedding of the year.

Locations & their Missions


Undersea Dome 1

Undersea Dome 2

  • Makmak - Donate 300 bananas
  • Sisi - Take a picture on one of the broken parts of the bridge
  • Jeck-jeck - Patch the holes on the glass



Throne Room


Main article: Kongri-la/Gallery


  • Kongri-La and Monkitropolis are the only worlds to connect with each other.
  • Although there is one elevator leading to the underwater city, Kongri-la uses doors to load the areas underground.
  • You must complete Slipknot to complete the story.
Super Monkey Ball Adventure Worlds
Jungle IslandMoonhavenZootopiaMonkitropolisKongri-laBoontown