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For the Exclusive stage of similar structure, see Corkscrew.

Freewheeler is the 2nd stage of Advanced in Super Monkey Ball Adventure.


This stage features a square, spiral pathway. There are smaller square-shaped areas adjoining each turn in the spiral pathway. There are also some square-shaped areas in the middle of paths of the spiral pathway. The spiral pathway rotates clockwise.

Goal Tutorial

To get to the goal, roll along the square, spiral pathway until you make it to the goal. Roll very carefully the entire as the centrifugal force, due to the fast rotating of the spiral pathway, is very strong. Be careful by taking as much time as you can, being as centered as possible the whole time, and by looking at the map to know where you are.


Super Monkey Ball Adventure Stages
091b6d0043d74bce3ff432b2.png CrossroadsShuffleCascadeOver the HillsJumpHolesOverrunRippleSequencerTongue TwisterCeltic KnotsSimple Split
091bb500e84fa39cd50b67a9.png BowlsFreewheelerSkid SlalomSerpentSmileDimpleTiptoeSidestepPitch and PuttCircuitsHairpinsFunrunRidge WalkerCheckmateEternalZZ StopLoop ItPlugholeGravity WellsBread Basket
Tex1 128x128 ed20a750b62b3870 d704ff53ba859c0e 9.png BackflipSliderHeadlongBumpsSpiral ScratchSqueegeeElementaryStinkystepsJawbridgeBacksliderFloor SlidersSlalomHoopsnakeDeadlineCogGankannySlipknot
091c4500af1432a7e5b7d6c5.png SpindleEver DecreasingSissiWhirlpoolDrag and DropMesmerizeCapture the FlagFright RingsWhirling DervishesStrandedSpinner ACorkscrewFollow the LeaderRoundaboutRing Goal