Diamond Zone

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For the original appearance in Super Monkey Ball, see Diamond.
For the other remake in Touch & Roll, see Hollow Diamond.

Diamond Zone is the 6th stage of the sole Beginner world, Monkey Island, in Super Monkey Ball: Banana Splitz.

It is a remake of Diamond from Super Monkey Ball.


This stage features a diamond-shaped, dark yellow and pink platform with dark orange sides, dark orange edges, and scarlet walls. There is a diamond-shaped hole in the center of the diamond-shaped platform. There is also a small, dark yellow and pink platform with dark orange sides and dark orange edges underneath the diamond-shaped platform, which has a warp goal. There is a small, dark orange slope behind the starting position, which leads to the warp goal platform.

Goal Tutorial

Normal Goal

To get to the normal goal, make your way over to the normal goal while avoiding the diamond-shaped hole. Then, roll into the normal goal.

Warp Goal

To get to the warp goal, roll forward slightly, and then turn around. Then, roll up the small, dark orange slope, and then gently roll off onto the warp goal platform. Then, roll into the warp goal.

Super Monkey Ball: Banana Splitz Stages
Beginner Monkey Island
Normal Night Island
Clay Temple
Block Town
Advanced Lava Island
Foggy Temple
Snow Town
Cardboard West
Space Wars
Master Time Paradox