Project: Stage article cleanup

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Lots and lots of our stage articles are a mess! Help us in our effort to get them all up to standard per our style policies. Since this is a truly massive undertaking, we will be cleaning them up one game at a time: we'll move on to the next game once all stage articles from the current game have been cleaned up.

There's also the infoboxes that desperately need to be cleaned up, though that is part of a different project.

Current game: Super Monkey Ball
Progress: 13 / 109

Super Monkey Ball

Started: May 25th 2024

Stage Intro Descr. Strat.
B1 Plain
B2 Diamond
B3 Hairpin
B4 Wide Bridge
Bonus Basic
B6 Slopes
B7 Steps
B8 Blocks
B9 Jump Single
B10 Exam-A
Beginner Extra
Blur Bridge
BX2 Hitter
AV Logo
A1 Bump
A2 Walking
A3 Repulse
A4 Narrow Bridge
A6 Break
A7 Curves
A8 Downhill
A9 Blocks Slim
Bonus Wave
A11 Choice
A12 Bowl
A13 Jumpies
A14 Stoppers
A15 Floor Bent
A16 Conveyer
A17 Exam-B
A18 Chaser
A19 Jump Double
Bonus Grid
A21 Middle Jam
A22 Ant Lion
A23 Collapse
A24 Swing Bar
A25 Labyrinth
A26 Spiral
A27 Wavy Jump
A28 Spiky
A29 Unrest
A30 Polar
Advanced Extra
AX2 Hard Hitter
AX3 Puzzle
AX5 Polar Large
E1 Ruin
E2 Branch
E3 Overturn
E4 Excursion
E6 Dodecagon
E7 Exam-C
E8 Skeleton
E9 Tracks
E11 Downhill Hard
E12 Gears
E13 Destruction
E14 Invasion
E15 Diving
E16 Floor Slant
E17 Tram
E18 Swing Bar Long
E19 Paper Work
E21 Twin Attacker
E22 Sega Logo
E23 Snake
E24 Wind
E25 Sliders
E26 Fall Down
E27 Twin Cross
E28 Spiral Hard
E29 Conveyer Parts
E30 Bonus Bumpy
E31 Gaps
E32 Curvature
E33 Ant Lion Super
E34 Drum
E35 Twister
E36 Speedy Jam
E37 Quake
E38 Cassiopeia
E39 Pirates
E40 Bonus Hunting
E41 Bowl Open
E42 Checker
E43 Carpet
E44 Ridge
E45 Mixer
E46 Rings
E47 Stairs
E48 Clover
E49 Coffee Cup
E50 Metamorphosis
Expert Extra
EX2 Breathe
EX4 Ferris Wheel
EX5 Factory
EX6 Curl Pipe
EX7 Magic Hand
EX9 Sanctuary
EX10 Daa Loo Maa
M1 Wave Master
M2 Fan Master
M3 Stamina Master
M4 Spring Master
M5 Dance Master
M6 Roll Master
M7 Edge Master
M8 Dodge Master
M9 Bridge Master
M10 Monkey Master

Super Monkey Ball 2

Unlocked after Super Monkey Ball

Deluxe-original stages

Unlocked after Super Monkey Ball 2

More to come

Unlocked after Deluxe-original stages